2025 Be a SuperHero: Plan to Protect® Orientation Training for Youth Who Work with Children
Be A SuperHero Training is a Plan to Protect® Orientation Training for Youth who work with children in programs and events. The content will also equip young people with helpful information if they are babysitters. It is designed for young people (aged 14-16 years of age) though parents and program leaders can determine if they wish younger helpers or older teens to take this course. We do not recommend that adults take this training – rather, they should take Plan to Protect® Orientation Training. This training meets insurance requirements and is part of striving for the HIGHEST STANDARD of protection.
1) Make sure you are using a computer (not a phone, or ipad) to complete the course.
2) Make sure you are using Google Chrome to complete the course (not safari, or internet explorer, or firefox).
3) Our school will allow you to continue after watching 85% of the video.If you switch tabs or put it in the background, or are not active during the video, it will not track properly and you will have to re-watch the video in full.

Abuse Awareness: In this module we will address the importance of safety and protection when working with children. We do discuss what is abuse and how prevalent it is.
Protection: In this module we will address how we can protect those who are vulnerable by discussing the types of abuse. In this module we will address reporting and responding to child abuse. We train young people that there is legislation on reporting abuse and the importance of notifying their supervisor whenever there is a disclosure, allegation or suspicion of abuse in order that we will be able to protect the individuals we work with.
Prevention: In this module we will address how we can protect children and prevent abuse from happening in the first place that will help you achieve a safe environment. These guidelines include supervision, staffing, ratios, registration, attendance and record keeping procedures. This module will provide an overview of additional supervision guidelines for overnight accommodations, high risk activities, transportation and what to do in case of an emergency. In this module we will address best practices for working with children. These guidelines include health and safety, restrooms, shower rooms, and additional child protection procedures surrounding affection and behavior management. We will also address social issues such as bullying, cyber bullying, and photography and take a look at policies related to communication, such as communicating with minors, internet safety, and technology use.
This training includes short video clips of young people interacting with the topic of protection.

After each module you will be directed to the testing component of the training. This will include a short case study and quiz questions. You will need to complete the quiz with a score of 80% prior to moving onto the next module. Once you have successfully completed the course you will receive a certificate. A certificate will provide proof to your organization that you have successfully completed the course. This will also demonstrate that you understand the importance of vulnerable sector protection and abuse prevention.
Please note:
All Learners have 30 days, upon activation, to complete the on-line training before their registration is disabled and deleted. We highly encourage you to let all learners know that they should not click the link unless they are confident they can complete the training within 30 days.
If a learner has yet to activate their account (i.e. click the link in the activation email), they have up to 6 months to activate and start the course. Upon activation, the 30 day countdown begins. Learners are deleted after 6 months of inactivity.
This training is for individual access and use ONLY. For group training options, organizations must contact training@plantoprotect.com. Any inappropriate access and use of this training is strictly prohibited and may result in the discontinuation of future services and/or legal action.
The development, preparation and publication of this training has been undertaken with great care. The information contained herein is intended to assist organizations in establishing policy. The content is current as the date of the publication and does not reflect subsequent changes in law. This information is distributed with the understanding that it does not constitute legal advice. Organizations are strongly encouraged to seek legal counsel as well as counsel from their insurance company when establishing a policy.
Produced in 2020, Copyright by Plan to Protect® and Winning Kids Inc.