North Park Community Church Refugee Settlement Training
We appreciate your willingness to volunteer with us in Newcomer Settlement at North Park. As you are aware, we honour our Newcomers and volunteers through strong training measures that ensure the safety of everyone associated with this ministry.
This training contains three components.
- Video One : Definitions, Awareness, Protection
- During the first section, we will raise awareness of abuse and the need to protect refugees. With a deeper understanding and awareness of abuse we will see the need for this training program and the need for abuse prevention. We will also learn about insurance requirements to qualify for abuse coverage.
- During the second half of this video, we will introduce the different types of abuse, indicators to watch for to recognize abuse and the legal requirements for reporting abuse.
- Video Two: Prevention
- During the third module we will cover best practices for preventing abuse among refugees. Prevention procedures will reduce the risk of abuse.
- Quiz
After completing both videos, you will be directed to the testing component of the training. This will include a short quiz. You will need to complete the quiz with a score of 80% to receive a certificate of completion. A certificate will provide proof to your organization that you have successfully completed the course. This will also demonstrate that you understand the importance of vulnerable sector protection and abuse prevention.
This training is designed for individual access and use ONLY. Organizations that wish to provide group training should contact training@plantoprotect.com for group training options. Use of this training for groups is a breach of copyright and distribution.
Produced in 2017, Copyright by Plan to Protect® and Winning Kids Inc.