Special Interest: Elder Abuse Awareness Workshop
This training has been designed for teaching elderly, their friends and family how to protect themselves and help their friends. This training should not be used for training individuals who work with the elderly and it should not replace Vulnerable Adult Abuse Prevention Orientation or Refresher training.
This training is designed for individual access and use ONLY. Organizations that wish to provide group training should contact training@plantoprotect.com for group training options. Use of this training for groups is a breach of copyright and distribution.
Produced in 2018, Copyright by Plan to Protect®
The development, preparation and publication of this training has been undertaken with great care. The information contained herein is intended to assist organizations in establishing policy. The content is current as the date of the publication and does not reflect subsequent changes in law. This information is distributed with the understanding that it does not constitute legal advice. Organizations are strongly encouraged to seek legal counsel as well as counsel from their insurance company when establishing a policy.