Special Interest: Supporting People with Disabilities Q&A
If you are working with the vulnerable sector, there is a high chance you will have individuals with some type of disability represented within your program. According to Statistics Canada, “about 3.8 million Canadians (13.7%) reported having a disability in 2012.” How can we support them? What questions should we be asking? How can we create inclusive programs? Are they safe? Let’s Plan to Protect®!
This training will answer your most pressing questions related to disabilities initiatives. Sarah Chaudhery, O.T. Reg. (ON), Disabilities Coordinator at Plan to Protect®, will answer your questions and provide practical tips for supporting, interacting with and engaging people with disabilities.
This training is designed for those who work with and support those with disabilities. This training is designed for program leaders, supervisors and board members who have participants who have disabilities. This training is designed for parents/caregivers who have children or family members with disabilities. This training is designed for everyone! Let’s raise the bar on protection!
Plan to Protect® offers an extensive series of Special Interest Webinars on topics that interest individuals who work with children, youth, persons with disabilities, or the elderly. Our 60-minute webinars are extremely helpful in approaching a wide variety of topics ranging from administration to leadership to awareness. Each of these webinars is recorded and made available for purchase or FREE for members. Members have access to these FREE webinars on the www.plantoprotect.com website under the members section.
This training is designed for individual access and use ONLY. Organizations that wish to provide group training should contact training@plantoprotect.com for group training options. Use of this training for groups is a breach of copyright and distribution.
Produced in 2015, Copyright by Plan to Protect® and Winning Kids Inc.